Heirloom Tomatoes Cereus Solutions Sustainability Resrouce Center

So Many Tomatoes


Heirloom Tomatoes Cereus Solutions Sustainability Resrouce Center

There are Hundreds of Varieties of Heirloom and Hybrid Tomatoes

The tomato is an American plant, native to the Andes.  That’s right.  Can you imagine Italian food with no tomatoes?  No tomato sauce?  No pizza with red sauce?  Or can you imagine Indian or American food without tomato chutney (ketchup)?  Even the word “tomato” comes from the Aztec word “tomatotl.”  Commonly considered a vegetable, it is botanically a fruit.  It is eaten both raw and cooked.  Containing lycopene, it has strong anti-oxidant properties and is consumed today throughout the world.  In its natural environment, it is a vine, but is commonly grown in gardens upright with cages and vertically by training it on string.  The largest producer of tomatoes is currently China, followed by India and the United States.  In the US, the tomato is grown in every state, but the largest commercial crops come from the sun-belt states such as Florida and California.  In the tomato’s natural habitat of Central and South America, it grows as a perennial.  In other regions of the world, it is grown as an annual.

The first tomato plants that were taken back from the New World to Europe were small and yellow.  Part of the deadly nightshade family, the tomato was thought to be poisonous.  It was grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and flower beds.  By the mid-16th century, it was being written about in Spain and Italy as a new kind of eggplant that could be cooked and eaten much the same way.  By the early 18th century, it was being used as food throughout Europe and Great Britain, in the Middle East, and in Asia.  The first known cultivation of the tomato in North America was in 1710 in South Carolina where it is believed to have been introduced from the Caribbean.  It was still, however, grown as an ornamental plant.  By the 1780s, Thomas Jefferson was cultivating tomatoes as edibles at Mount Vernon.

The tomato was not generally accepted as a commercial food crop in the US until Alexander W. Livingston developed some uniform, smooth, red varieties in the 1870s.  It is, in fact, the tomato’s adaptability that has made it so popular and has resulted in so many varieties.  These range from very old “heirloom” Italian ones to more recent ones developed in the US.  Heirloom varieties are those developed by selection of plants and seeds with a particular taste, shape, maintenance, yield, and size.  Hybrids are those that are developed by intentionally cross-pollinating two plants.  Today, commercial varieties are the result of creating plants that produce a fruit that will ripen to a uniform red.  They contain less sugar and have a blander taste than heirloom varieties.  If you want hardier uniform tomatoes, grown hybrids acquired from local nurseries.  If you want tastier tomatoes with odd appearances that can be grown from seeds, choose heirlooms.

Regular Leaf RL Purple Cherokee Tomato at Cereus Solutions Sustainability Center

Regular Leaf RL Purple Cherokee Tomato

Potato Leaf PL Pink Brandywine Tomato at Cereus Solutions Sustainability Center

Potato Leaf PL Pink Brandywine Tomato

While there are many varieties of tomatoes, there are two basic types of tomato leaves:  regular leaf and potato leaf.  We have both examples in our containers.  The regular leaf (sometime abbreviates as RL) can be seen on the Cherokee Purple heirloom tomatoes.  The edges of the leaves are serrated and irregular.  The potato leaf (PL) can be seen on the Pink Brandywine heirloom tomatoes.  The leaf edge is relatively straight with few notches.  The PL leaves are usually darker in color and are a little heavier than PL leaves.  Some think that the heftier leaves of the PL varieties make them more disease resistant.

There are other differences in tomatoes, such as size (cherry or beefsteak) and fruiting trait, such as determinate and indeterminate.  The determinate tomatoes produce fruit at the end of the vine all at once then decline.  The indeterminate tomatoes produce fruit all along the vine and throughout the growing season.  For the urban or home gardener who wishes to can a lot of tomatoes or make sauces, you may want to choose a determinate tomato, but if you want to enjoy flavorful tomatoes throughout the summer and early fall, you may want to choose an heirloom indeterminate tomato.

For a list of some tomato cultivars, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tomato_cultivars.

For sources of organic heirloom tomato seeds, see:




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Companion Planting

Companion Planting in Raised Garden Beds

We are doing some companion planting in our raised beds.  What is companion planting?  Companion planting is the practice of growing plants that are mutually beneficial in proximity to each other to maximize space and increase productivity.  It is a form of polyculture (as opposed to monoculture).  Different plants are planted together to provide nutrients, control pests, provide habitat for pollenating wildlife, control weeds or unwanted plants, and hold in moisture.  The classic example of companion planting is the “Three Sisters” method used by the Native Americans.  Corn, pole beans, and square are planted together.  The corn provides support for the pole beans, which provide nitrogen in the soil, while the squash leaves hold in moisture and help control weeds.

 Three Sisters Companion PlantingThree Sisters Companion Planting, Corn, Pole Beans, & Squash

Companion planting has been used for thousands of years across the world from Mesoamerica to England with cottage gardens, to China in rice fields where the mosquito fern is used to host a bacterium that fixes nitrogen from the air and shades out competing plants.  Today, companion planting is used in both industrialized and developing countries.  One of the most interesting examples may be found in Cornwall, England at the Eden Project.

 Companion Planting at the Market Garden Eden Project


Our raised beds are not so grand :).  We have planted Cherokee purple tomatoes in between our rows of atomic red and cosmic purple carrots.  To keep away aphid and some other unwanted insects, we have also planted marigolds.  We will also be adding in basil, spearmint, and thyme to our beds and containers to ward off other pests.  Using plants as an insecticide is a good practice in organic gardening.

 Companion Planting in Raised Beds

Here is a basic guide to companion planting that also tells what plants are good for controlling what pests.


For more reading about companion planting and patterning, see Earth Wisdoms blog.




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A Food Forest is Easy to Maintain

Jacksonville, Florida has done a fantastic job at creating an urban food forest, using the design principles of permaculture.  Part of the beauty of a well-designed food forest is its low maintenance.  Watch and listen to these permaculture designers walk through the food forest and practice “chop and drop.”

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Food Forest in Nashville

This is a great video about how a community can come together in Nashville to create abundance where there once was a food desert.

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Yes, Virginia, There is Such a Thing as Vegan Cream

Vegan Cream

Fresh Fruit Salad with Vegan Cream

One of the things that vegans say that they miss the most is cream, that luscious stuff that you pour over fruit or pile on some other dessert.  Well, the chefs at The Savory Spoon have an answer:  put one can of coconut milk and 1 cup of cashew in a blender and mix it all up until it is creamy.  Voila!  Vegan cream.


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Raised-Bed Garden Update

Raised-Bed Garden in Argenta is Real!


Raised-Bed Garden in Argenta

Raised-Bed Garden in Argenta


The raised-bed garden is finished and the seedlings have been planted.  But, no sooner than we did, the weather turned cold once again, dropping to freezing at night.  We scambled to add cover to our raised beds.  Fearing that was not enough, we reached out to our friends at Maison Terre, who make natural products including candles.  Fortunately, they had plenty all-natural soy candles.  For many nights and several days we burned candles that kept our little plants warm.  Most survived!  We are all pleased with our effort and look forward to watching the garden grow in the weeks and months to come.


Raised-Bed Garden Cauliflower

Raised-Bed Garden Cauliflower

Check out our earlier post for plans and materials.


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permaculture course

Permaculture Course

Introduction to Permaculture course – 38 Video Lectures that you can watch for free.

“This permaculture course explores, through lectures, discussions, field trips, and
required projects, a design/thinking methodology that seeks to provide for our
physical needs, food, water, shelter, energy, etc., while doing so in an
environmentally friendly, sustainable manner.”

The lectures in this permaculture course are by Dr. Will Hooker of North Carolina State University.  Click here for the link to the Permaculture course.

permaculture course

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These little sprouts will become delicious vegetables in my raised bed garden.

Argenta Raised-Bed Garden: Urban Farming Beginnings

This year, we started an Urban Farming Project.

We are helping committed individuals install gardens in urban or downtown areas.  Our first garden is in downtown North Little Rock.


garden plan
garden plan
box plan
box plan
materials list
materials list
cedar lumber and timbers
cedar lumber and timbers
NextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnail

A couple of years ago, an Argenta resident renovated a 1925 bungalow in the Argenta Historic District of North Little Rock.  She recently demolished a couple of dilapidated outbuildings to make way for a vegetable garden.  We are sharing the information, including plans and materials lists here, so that you can follow along with ideas and/or DIY with your own urban farming project.


We chose to make two 4′ x 8′ beds, raised to 16″.  This size fits the space that is exposed to the sun in her back yard, while the design reflects a desire to limit the amount of reaching and kneeling that I would have to do.  We using untreated cedar lumber to extend durability without releasing toxins into the garden.  We also creating a pea-gravel walkway/workway in between and around the beds.  This will be outlined with landscape timbers.  We are using a mix of top soil and super soil in a 2:1 ratio.  Seeds were started a few days ago in little green houses, which you can purchase at just about any garden center.  The seeds were gathered from several organic sources, including Colonial Williamsburg, and at the local sustainability network seed swap.


Check back with us for updates on our urban farming project

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What is Permaculture?

Permaculture is HOPE for the Future

Permaculture is a comprehensive integrated ecological

design science

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the natural world’s “patterns of abundance”.




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